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With every failure comes another opportunity.

Remember when I wrote about my letter campaign going completely bust and not getting any responses. Well something interesting happened. In the letter, I was marking the milestone of selling the 100th paracord item. This is around the 2nd week of July 2012. Although I sent out several letters, I kept several back until I came in contact with those people again.  When I finally realized that the whole process was a big goose egg, I realized, I was well past the 100 item mark. I was creeping really closely to the 200th item and beyond. Although I didn’t like what happened, or should I say, what didn’t happen with the letters, I kept my nose to the grindstone and kept, making items and selling. That I believe is what is important.

I learned that it is important to stay focused. I can’t let a setback hinder my business goals. I have to press on and move forward.

I’ll talk with you next time constant reader.

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