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Talk about taking a chance

I went to one of the supervisor of our 911 center. I showed her a flyer for the specific coloration that I made up for our dispatch. They are affiliated with the police and fire departments, so I added both colors to their paracord items. She really like that bracelets and offered to put up a couple flyers and she bought a bracelet as well. As a matter of fact, she said she was thinking about searching through the internet on how to make the bracelets, but since I was making them, she figured she would just support me. I thought that was very kind.

She asked me if I had done the same and presented a flyer to the fire department or their stations. I told her that was next on my list. She said why don’t you speak to _____. I’ll leave his name out, but he is the assistant fire chief. Doh!!! I didn’t even think about this guy even though we have known each other by name for a number of years. We walked upstairs and went to his office area.

I showed him what I had and what he told me astounded me.

Next time I’ll fill you in Constant Reader.

With every failure comes another opportunity.

Remember when I wrote about my letter campaign going completely bust and not getting any responses. Well something interesting happened. In the letter, I was marking the milestone of selling the 100th paracord item. This is around the 2nd week of July 2012. Although I sent out several letters, I kept several back until I came in contact with those people again.  When I finally realized that the whole process was a big goose egg, I realized, I was well past the 100 item mark. I was creeping really closely to the 200th item and beyond. Although I didn’t like what happened, or should I say, what didn’t happen with the letters, I kept my nose to the grindstone and kept, making items and selling. That I believe is what is important.

I learned that it is important to stay focused. I can’t let a setback hinder my business goals. I have to press on and move forward.

I’ll talk with you next time constant reader.

My first show…now what?

As I said earlier about the Bikes on the Bricks, now I have a show to do. Oh @%&*. Now what?

The first thing that came to mind is I have a lot of work to do. I need a table(s), tablecloths, some type of display, and lots of bracelets. Now is a good time to take a deep breath and practice that combat breathing that I’ve learned at work so long ago. I admit, in addition to being excited, not I feel the pressure to deliver. This supervisor was very gracious with the invitation and I want to honor that support and do well.

So I begin the work. I have always liked the process of knowing something is coming and slowly making preparations to get ready. Heck, when we go on vacation, I like to take out the suitcases about a month ahead of time and slowly start putting items in. If it wasn’t for the fact that I would need to wear some of those clothes, I would be completely packed a month or so out. I know, it’s a little OCD, but what can I tell you. I can’t stand the last minute rush thing. I would rather be ready and just sit around watching everyone else scramble about.

As I’m writing this, I’m a few days from the show and have been twisting cord and making paracord items, placards and such. I even have the extra calloused fingers to prove it. I’m looking forward to the show and will definitely be blogging about it here. Hopefully it will go relatively smooth and the weather will cooperate. I’ve even had to remind myself that I won’t have everything perfect and will learn things that I could do better or eliminate completely.

I’m excited about the process and will talk with you next time, Constant Reader.

Angels helping here and there

As I said before, when I was explaining to him my idea, he stopped me. Now I’m a little worried because this is unchartered waters for me. What he suggested was even better. He said that instead of doing just that, why don’t I set up a table and sell the bracelets if anyone is interested right next to their bike trailer. As you can imagine I’m smiling on the inside and it’s creeping to the outside. 🙂

It has amazed me just how helpful so many have been with this endeavor. Showing their families and friends. Coming to me with other orders for bracelets. Giving suggestions. Help coming in all directions in so many ways. I’ve had multiple people buy 5,6, or more bracelets for all the people they know and are close with. It is really touching to get so much unsolicited help. It’s actually difficult to give a good enough thank you. A few people I’ve given a few bucks to buy them lunch or given them a small item like a key chain. It seems so insignificant, but I have to remember I am trying to build something here. I can’t give away the farm, but I do want those “Angels” to know their help is so appreciated.

To all those who have helped me as I climb the mountains in this business, I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. I appreciate you. Each of you and I won’t forget. I will do my best to honor your contribution and make this a success. Again…THANKYOU.

Back to the work at hand. We’ll talk again next time Constant Reader…see you then.

Time to take a bit of a plunge in the deep end

I took my friends suggestion and went to one of the supervisors that has been an integral part of the police activities associated with the Bikes on the Bricks program. The thought came to me as I was going to work that morning. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get addresses to past participants that may be coming to the police training aspect of the Bikes on the Bricks and send them a flyer and/or card showing my bracelets and reminding them that they can inquire with me if they are interested. Sounds good right?

Well when I get to the office, this same supervisor, tells me he needs to get another bracelet for someone he spoke with at one of the local coffee shops downtown. This is a perfect segue.

So I tell him my idea and before I could finish it he stops me and…I’ll continue next time Constant Reader. Take Care.

What’s the best way

This is a constant thought that crosses my mind with this business. At one point it is exciting because there are so many different ways to do things, that it is interesting picking which one. At the same time it is daunting, because I wonder am I making the correct choices. I try not to worry too much if I am doing things perfectly. I know that mistakes will come along for the ride from time to time, but I also want to make the best use of my time.

When I first signed up on Pinterest, the very first post that I commented on is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. It said something to the effect of “Do something everyday that scares you”. I love that quote. It reminds me that it is normal that doing something that I’ve never done can be scary. The clearest sign of courage, is facing my fear and doing it anyway or as I like to say in this digital age, “Push Send”. Which is my way of saying, let’s go ahead and do the darn thing. What do I  have to lose. Most of the time what I have to lose is minimal.

One day I sent a text to a few people that I’ve worked with over the years and showed them a picture of the “Thin Blue Line” bracelet. A few contacted me and ultimately bought a bracelet or three. One of my good friends, gave me a suggestion that I couldn’t pass up. He reminded me that here in Flint in September of every year there is a motorcycle event we call “Bikes on the Bricks.” It is similar to the wildly popular “Back to the Bricks” custom car event that is held in Flint every August. He suggested that I maybe have a table in the event during the police motorcycle practice and competition.

When we talk again, Constant Reader, we’ll continue with this course of events.

A lesson I’d Learned

I spoke a few post ago on how lessons can be learned. I also spoke a bit of how a lesson can come at you hard and fast and at times when you least expect it. That was the lesson I got, real quick, when that deputy asked me if I had a website. As I’ve said previously I had been working on a site and was dealing with the kinks that would obviously present themselves. He reminded me to do one thing…hurry up about it. I’ve since thanked this deputy and given him a key chain as a token of my appreciation. He doesn’t really think he did anything special.

I’ve got something important that has come up that I need to do so I’ll catch you next time constant reader.

We’re all teachers

I truly believe the title. We are all teachers in some form or another. We can teacher others, intentionally or passively. We can even teach ourselves a thing or two from time to time.

I used to wonder how that happens. The answer I came up with is that our minds, the unconscious parts of our minds, remembers everything that we’ve experienced in our lives. Not just the things that we pay attention to but the mundane details that seem trivial or insignificant. Our subconscious mind can process a large amount of things that our conscious mind frankly doesn’t even pay attention to. I believe that is how we can teach ourselves things.

I bet you’ve had an experience like I have. You might be sitting somewhere and think about something; a question that you have been pondering perhaps. All of a sudden an answer to that very questions presents itself and it feels right to you. Without even researching if the answer is correct you know. You know in your gut that the answer is correct. That is, I believe, how we teach ourselves things or skills.

We can also teach others. Be that directly or indirectly. A lesson can be learned from most of our life’s experiences. That is a big reason why I am writing this. I want to for nostalgia sake be able to look back at the journey and see how far I have come. If, along the way, someone can read my words and take a lesson from my experiences, good and bad, that would be wonderful. I have done that with others; learned lessons from their challenges and zeniths. Perhaps I can do that same thing for someone else. My way of giving back to the universe I suppose.

We’ll see where it goes from here Constant Reader.

The Flyers are up and running

As the title says the flyers are up. About 5 or 6 in total. The response is fairly lukewarm to start. When I checked my flyers, there were a couple comments written on them. One I initially took offense to and I’ll admit, I replaced that flyer with a new one. It had a comment about there isn’t any pride in the profession. It was eluding to a passage on the flyer where I encourage officers to show the pride in their profession.

At times my police people have bad days. Sometimes those bad days can run into weeks, or months or longer. Law Enforcement is for the most part a thankless job and many officers aren’t exactly loved by the masses. Some of that is going on in my department. We are about 33% of the force we were around 10 years ago. Most of that has been budget cuts, through lay-offs and attrition. Though I didn’t like the comment, I can relate to it. It wasn’t negative towards me anyway. You can call be crazy but there is a little part of me that hopes some morale might have gotten even the slightest boost by my bracelets. I won’t belabor this point so I’ll move on.

Although I described the above comment scribbled on the flyer, for the most part there hasn’t been any comments placed on the flyers. I really appreciate that and take it as a sign of respect from my colleagues. This is nothing I take for granted and is actually indicative of the person I’ve always been at work: me. I don’t try to impress and I always make every effort to be positive. I believe it has all has been meant for good.

As I said the response was pretty lukewarm in the beginning, and then something happened. I’m not sure if it was one of the first people that bought them or something else, but it seemed like everyone wanted to buy one. I mean everyone. Every evening I would go home to make more bracelets and the next day, I would sell most of what I had and then get a few more orders for sizes that I ran out of. I was at times overwhelmed, but this was a good thing. So many people were giving me tips and suggestions and referring people to me. Within a month or so I had gone from selling those very first ones to passing a milestone of my 100th bracelet.

Tune in next time and I’ll explain what I did to commemorate this event. Take care Constant Reader.