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There a few steps I left out

What steps you ask? Like how I did the site. A guy with only the smallest morsel of html or coding experience. I probably should explain that.

Over the past few years I had heard of the Word Press blogging platform and its ease of use for people like me; the non-egghead types. I found a site that had a step by step tutorial of how to setup an e-commerce site: click here for the tutorial. It’s in two parts and it helped me to come from nothing to what you see when you come to this site now. There were a few things I didn’t like and I changed them and their still remains a few changes that will occur but this was how it started.

Now let’s backup a bit. WordPress. Every time I think of the name it makes me think of the old Word Perfect program from waaaaay back in the day. For all you computer geeks, this is probably dating me,  just like if I said I liked Prodigy.

As I said earlier I’d heard of WordPress, but had little experience with it until I did my second blog at: I developed that site with Artisteer and used the Word Press platform. I found it very intuitive and easy to use. I still have that domain and website but after posting on it for a few months I felt like I was missing something; some direction. I stopped writing on it and did a few months of soul searching on what was it that I truly enjoy doing.

More on the steps, when we reconvene, Constant Reader

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